The Party
Dance, dance, you damn ... up to ecstasy, to abandonment, to loss.
From the Greek Maenads, the Oriental Dervishes, the Americanindian Dance of the Spirits' dancers, the Carnival frenzied dances or the puritan preindustrial Shakers to the flexible wiggles of the rock&roll idol or the absorbed concentration in the rhythm of the rave, the presence of the body transported by the sound (and almost always, by drugs) appear as the vehicle(s) of ecstatic pleasure, as the interruption(s) of the Dionysian, of the rite, of the myth, in the everyday order, established by rationality and work/production.
Although the dancing outburst was not exclusive of the young people, in the late capitalist western society, the rituals of adolescence/youth seem to be especially linked to this new mysticisms, the community of the club dancers, as a specifically articulated manner to challenge the prevailing power structure: rock is my new religion, said Patti Smith, undoubtedly, the voice of the feelings of a whole generation; as showed by Dan Graham in his complex video “Rock My Religion” (1982), where the phallic, Oedipal sexuality of the rock star movements, generates the same community energy that the one emerged during the religious celebrations; that is what the new techno music ceremonies suggest: "Nothing better than the raves, these modern bacchanals, to be able to find out what is happening in our time, in our community, in this community that, from now on, has to invent itself, coexisting with the collapse of myths and ideologies".